For Your Owner Financed Real Estate or Land Contract

Convert Your Monthly Payments into a LUMP SUM OF CASH

Get Cash Now for Your Note

Easy Three (3) Step Process

1. Request a FREE Quote

2. Send Us Documents Related to Your Note

3. Receive Your Money!

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For Real Estate Notes Quotes, Please Click Here to Submit Your Request for a FREE QUOTE!

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We Offer Funding for Many Different Types of Notes

For more information click below on your note type!

Auto Notes

If you sell automobiles and finance them for your buyers, we can help you cash out your loan portfolio.

Factoring Receivables

You will no longer have to wait 30 to 90+ days to receive payment on services, this includes all business to business and medical receivables. 

Lottery Winnings

Convert your annual payments to a lump sum of cash today. You do not have to wait years for your money.

Business Notes

Have you sold a business and financed it for the buyer? If so, we can convert your payments to a lump sum of cash.


Are you waiting on an inheritance? We can provide you with an advance for your pending inheritance, with no risk or out of pocket expense.

Real Estate Notes

If you have sold a property and are now receiving payments, then contact us and we will convert those payments to one large lump sum. Residential, Commercial, Land, Mobile Homes with Land Properties are all welcome.

Additional Services offered: Cell Tower Leases, Delinquent Debt, Medical Receivables, Merchant Cash Advances, and Non-Performing Loans

Partial Purchase Option

We offer an option where you may sell us a predetermined number of future payments and you receive a lump sum of cash now. This option allows you to get much needed cash now plus you also get your note back in the future.

  • Sell a predetermined number of future payments now

  • Receive a lump sum of cash now

  • We service the note while we own it

  • The note comes back to you in the future

Call Today and inquire about our Partial Purchase Option. 

Court Settlements

Receiving payments from a personal injury lawsuit? We can provide you with a lump sum of cash today.

Lawsuit Funding

We can provide you with a fast advance on a pending lawsuit that you are waiting on. Don’t wait, get some much needed cash today.

Life Settlements

Attention Seniors! Do not let your insurance policy lapse, sell it to us. We accept all types of policies.

Don’t Wait, Contact Us Today! Get One LUMP SUM of CASH! 1-877-528-0702

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